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Agnès Merlet

Agnès Merlet

French film director and screenwriter
January 4, 1959 (66 years old)
Fr. 2011. Fantasy by Agnès Merlet with Rachel Hurd-Wood, Harry Treadaway, Thomas Brodie-Sangster. A young woman with terminal cancer falls in love with a boy who lives secluded in the woods because of an evil gift.
Runtime: 88 min.

Dorothy Mills

V.O.: Dorothy
Irl. 2008. Drama by Agnès Merlet with Carice van Houten, Jenn Murray, Gary Lewis. On a small Irish island, a psychiatrist interviews a teenager with multiple personalities accused of abusing an infant.
Runtime: 102 min.
Fr. 1997. Biography by Agnès Merlet with Valentina Cervi, Michel Serrault, Miki Manojlovic. In Rome, in the seventeenth century, a young painter has a passionate emotional relationship with her master.
Runtime: 98 min.

Son of Shark

V.O.: Le Fils du requin
Fr. 1993. Social drama by Agnès Merlet with Ludovic Vandendaele, Erick Da Silva, Sandrine Blancke. Left to fend for themselves by their father, two kids living in a small town in Normandy indulge in delinquency.
Runtime: 88 min.

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