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Alexander Kluge

Alexander Kluge

German author, philosopher, academic and film director
February 14, 1932 (93 years old)

The Power of Emotion

V.O.: Die Macht der Gefühle
All. 1983. Essay film by Alexander Kluge with Hannelore Hoger, Alexandra Kluge, Klaus Wennemann. A personal meditation on the nature of human emotions.
Runtime: 115 min.
Runtime: 129 min.

Artistes sous le chapiteau: perplexes

V.O.: Die Artisten in der Zirkuskuppel: Ratlos
All. 1968. Essay film by Alexander Kluge with Annelore Hoger, Siegfried Graue, Alfred Edel. The director of a circus tries to revive the traditional formula of the fairground show.
Runtime: 104 min.

Les Artistes sous le chapiteau: perplexes

V.O.: Die Artisten in der Zirkuskuppel: ratlos
All. 1968. Drama by Alexander Kluge.
Runtime: 100 min.

Yesterday Girl

V.O.: Abschied von gestern
All. 1966. Drama by Alexander Kluge with Alexandra Kluge, Günter Mack, Hans Korte. The difficulties encountered by a young East German woman who immigrated to West Germany.
Runtime: 88 min.

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