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Alice Béat

Alice Béat

French actress
January 1, 1973 (52 years old)
Fr. 2005. Crime drama by Yves Rénier with Yves Rénier, Johnny Hallyday, Samantha Rénier. After four masked men and a young woman rob a bank, a police commissioner seeks to clear his daughter's name despite recognizing her on a surveillance video.
Runtime: 92 min.
Runtime: 91 min.
Fr. 1999. Dramatic comedy by Philippe Roussel with Jérôme Anger, Marthe Villalonga, Thérèse Liotard. In a small town in northern France, a doctor takes care of a woman and her two children after the father dies of tuberculosis.
Runtime: 89 min.
Fr. 1997. Mores comedy by Jacques Otmezguine with François Marthouret, Olivia Bonamy, Alice Béat. The spoiled twenty-four-year-old daughter of a lawyer looks to break up his relationship with a woman the same age as her.
Runtime: 93 min.
Runtime: 90 min.
Runtime: 90 min.
Runtime: 90 min.
Fr. 1993. Dramatic comedy by Gérard Blain with Vincent de Bouard, Gamil Ratib, Jean-Paul Wenzel. In the nineteenth century, a 16 year old Norman kid is determined to make his fortune.
Runtime: 95 min.

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