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Alina Freund

Alina Freund

January 1, 1997 (28 years old)

Lili la petite sorcière - Le voyage vers Mandolan

V.O.: Hexe Lilli - Die Reise nach Mandolan
All. 2011. Fantasy comedy by Harald Sicheritz with Alina Freund, Tanay Chheda, Anja Kling. A vizier embarrassed by a problem with his bewitched throne calls upon the services of a young witch and her dragon friend.

Lili la petite sorcière - Le dragon et le livre magique

V.O.: Hexe Lilli, der Drache und das magische Buch
All. 2009. Fantasy comedy by Stefan Ruzowitzky with Alina Freund, Sami Herzog, Anja Kling. At the request of an old witch who is losing her powers, a little dragon goes in search of a young girl who can succeed her.
Runtime: 89 min.

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