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Barbara Babcock

Barbara Babcock

American actress
February 27, 1937 (88 years old)
U.S. 2000. Adventures by Clint Eastwood with Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones, Marcia Gay Harden. Four retired test pilots are sent into space to repair a Soviet satellite threatening to fall to Earth.
Runtime: 130 min.
U.S. 1999. Psychological drama by John Schmidt with Barbara Babcock, Ken Howard, Ossie Davis. A family finds enough strength in faith to fight their mother's Alzheimer's disease.
Runtime: 120 min.
U.S. 1992. Adventures by Ron Howard with Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Thomas Gibson. In 1892, a young Irish farmer accompanies a young aristocrat who wants to settle in the American West.
Runtime: 140 min.
U.S. 1982. Psychological drama by Sandor Stern with Lindsay Wagner, Gerald McRaney, Barbara Babcock. After suffering a depression, a woman returns to care for her children while her husband is in the hospital.
Runtime: 120 min.
U.S. 1982. Mores drama by Franc Roddam with David Keith, Robert Prosky, G.D. Spradlin. In 1964, at a Southern state military academy, a senior is assigned to protect a new Black student.
Runtime: 102 min.
Runtime: 113 min.

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