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Caroline Gasser

Caroline Gasser

September 19, 1960 (63 years old)
Suis. 2009. Drama by Jean-Laurent Chautems with Alice Rey, Yvon Back, Caroline Gasser. The consequences of a car accident on the lives of four men and women.
Suis. 2008. Thriller by Simon Edelstein with Caroline Gasser, Jean-Pierre Gos, Anne-Shlomit Deonna. A famous pianist who has given up her career gradually sinks into madness following the disappearance of her son under mysterious circumstances.
Runtime: n/d
Runtime: 90 min.
Fr. 1994. Crime drama by Yvan Butler with Véronique Genest, François-Régis Marchasson, Caroline Gasser. A police officer is kidnapped by a man who wants to convince her of his innocence in the murder of his wife.
Fr. 1994. Mores comedy by Denis Rabaglia with Tom Novembre, Sabine Haudepin, Isabelle Townsend. A young advertising executive learns that one of his former mistresses is expecting a child of his, whom she wants to raise alone.
Runtime: 83 min.

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