U.S. 2023. Animation
byCecilia Aranovich.
Scooby-Doo and his gang set out to find Superman, who has mysteriously disappeared, leaving Metropolis in the hands of supervillains.
U.S. 2019. Animation
byEthan Spaulding, Cecilia Aranovich.
Scooby-Doo and his friends come out of their retirement to investigate a mystery, on a zombie-infested island.
U.S. 2018. Animation
byCecilia Aranovich, Ian Hamilton.
Siren steals the Book of Legends in order to locate the Trident of Atlantis and rule the entire ocean. (Source: IMDB)
U.S. 2017. Animation
byCecilia Aranovich.
In a series of friendly intergalactic competitions, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Bat Girl, and their fellow colleagues must foil a plot by the evil Lena Luthor.
U.S. 2016. Animation
byCecilia Aranovich, Jennifer Coyle.
It's up to Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batgirl and Bumblebee at Super Hero High to stop Dark Opal from stealing their valued possessions to form the ultimate weapon. (Source: IMDB)