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Dulé Hill

Dulé Hill

American actor
May 3, 1975 (49 years old)
Can. 2021. Mores comedy by Steve Franks with James Roday Rodriguez, Dulé Hill, Timothy Omundson. A private detective leaves with his friend, a fake medium, to search for his pregnant fiancée’s ex-husband in order to finalize the divorce and proceed with the wedding before the baby is born.
Runtime: 96 min.
U.S. 2020. Police comedy by Steve Franks with James Roday Rodriguez, Dulé Hill, Timothy Omundson. Two friends, posing as psychics to the police, investigate a supernatural event that caused injuries to a detective friend.
Runtime: 89 min.
U.S. 2016. Drama by J.D. Dillard with Jacob Latimore, Seychelle Gabriel, Dulé Hill. In order to keep his childhood home, a magic-loving orphan agrees to work for the leader of a criminal gang.
Runtime: 86 min.

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