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Erica Leerhsen

Erica Leerhsen

American actress
February 14, 1976 (49 years old)
U.S. 2013. Horror by Richard Schenkman with Noell Coet, Daniel Hugh Kelly, Ian Bamberg. On the eve of Halloween, alone in her home, a blind seventeen-year-old girl is attacked by a mysterious masked stranger.
Runtime: 87 min.
U.S. 2003. Horror by Marcus Nispel with Jessica Biel, Jonathan Tucker, Mike Vogel. Five young people driving on a Texas back road fall victim to a family of maniacs who engage in gruesome murderous practices.
Runtime: 100 min.
U.S. 2000. Horror by Joe Berlinger with Kim Director, Jeffrey Donovan, Erica Leerhsen. Five young people spend the night in a forest where, according to a recently released film, three film students have mysteriously disappeared and were possibly the victims of a witch.
Runtime: 91 min.

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