It. 2008. Biography
byPaolo SorrentinowithToni Servillo, Anna Bonaiuto, Giulio Bosetti.
On the eve of his 70th birthday, Italian politician Giulio Andreotti, seven-time President of the Council since 1946, is accused of involvement with the mafia.
It. 1985. Western
byDuccio TessariwithGiuliano Gemma, William Berger, Carlo Mucari.
In search of a shipment of stolen guns, a ranger runs afoul of a warlike Indigenous community that worships an Aztec god and wants revenge on the whites.
It. 1975. Drama
byAldo LadowithEnrico Maria Salerno, Macha Méril, Flavio Bucci.
After killing two young girls on a train, a perverted woman and two thugs are treated by the father of one of the two victims who decides to take revenge after learning who they are.