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Giuseppe Battiston

Giuseppe Battiston

Italian actor (1968)
July 22, 1968 (56 years old)
U.S. 2022. Adventures by Robert Zemeckis with Tom Hanks, Cynthia Erivo, Luke Evans. The crazy misadventures of a puppet in the effigy of a little boy, created by an old carpenter and to which a fairy has given life.
Runtime: 105 min.

The Big Step

V.O.: Il Grande Passo
It. 2019. Comedy by Antonio Padovan with Giuseppe Battiston, Stefano Fresi, Camilla Filippi. In Rome, the owner of a hardware store embarks on an incredible adventure to save his brother, whom he has only seen once in his life.
Runtime: 96 min.

Lucia's Grace

V.O.: Troppa Grazzia
It. 2018. Dramatic comedy by Gianni Zanasi with Alba Rohrwacher, Elio Germano, Giuseppe Battiston.
Runtime: 110 min.

Après la guerre

V.O.: Dopo la guerra
It. 2017. Drama by Annarita Zambrano with Giuseppe Battiston, Charlotte Cétaire, Barbora Bobulova. In 2002, the Italian authorities suspect an ex-terrorist, exiled in France with his daughter, of having ordered the murder of a judge.
Runtime: 91 min.

The Last Prosecco

V.O.: Finché c'è prosecco c'è speranza
It. 2017. Police comedy by Antonio Padovan with Giuseppe Battiston, Teco Celio, Liz Solari. A police detective investigates a series of murders allegedly linked to the extravagant suicide of a reclusive count living in the Italian Alps.
Runtime: 101 min.

Zoran, My Nephew the Idiot

V.O.: Zoran, il mio nipote scemo
It. 2013. Comedy by Matteo Oleotto with Giuseppe Battiston, Teco Celio.
Runtime: 112 min.

The Commander and the Stork

V.O.: Il Comandante e la Cicogna
Runtime: 108 min.

Ce que je veux de plus

V.O.: Cosa voglio di piu
Runtime: 126 min.

The Swing Girls

V.O.: Le Ragazze dello Swing
It. 2010. History by Maurizio Zaccaro with Andrea Osvart, Lotte Verbeek, Elise Schaap. In Fascist Italy, three Dutch sisters have successful careers in music while trying to hide their Jewish origins.
Runtime: 210 min.

Bread and Tulips

V.O.: Pane e tulipani
It. 2000. Sentimental comedy by Silvio Soldini with Licia Maglietta, Bruno Ganz, Giuseppe Battiston. By a combination of circumstances, a disenchanted housewife takes a trip to Venice where she regains a taste for life and finds true love.

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