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Jack Ging

Jack Ging

United States actor and sportsman
November 30, 1931 (93 years old)
U.S. 1973. Western by Clint Eastwood with Clint Eastwood, Walter Barnes, Verna Bloom. A stranger agrees to take over the protection of a village but imposes strange conditions on the inhabitants.
Runtime: 105 min.
U.S. 1971. Thriller by Clint Eastwood with Clint Eastwood, Jessica Walter, Donna Mills. A radio talk show host struggles with an unstable fan.
Runtime: 102 min.
Runtime: 60 min.
U.S. 1960. Drama by Paul Guilfoyle with Diane Baker, Jack Ging, Lee Philips. A young pacifist Mennonite confesses to a crime to save his beloved, whom he believes to be guilty.
Runtime: 84 min.

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