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Jamie Harris

Jamie Harris

British actor
May 15, 1963 (61 years old)
U.S. 2023. Drama by Damian Harris with Jared Harris, Nicholas Hamilton, Jamie Harris. A self-destructive young man is bailed out of prison by his drama teacher.
Runtime: 113 min.
Parental Guidance
G.-B. 2010. Biography by Bernard Rose with Rhys Ifans, Chloe Sevigny, David Thewlis. From the early 1960s to the mid-1990s, the life and criminal career of an English drug dealer.
Runtime: 121 min.
U.S. 2001. Crime drama by Robert Markowitz with Donald Sutherland, Jamie Harris, John Heard. The investigation into the theft of eight million dollars from New York's JFK airport by Irish criminal Jimmy Burke.
U.S. 2000. Sentimental comedy by Amos Kollek with Anna Thomson, Jamie Harris, Robert Modica. A young waitress in Manhattan and two of her 60-year-old customers are looking for a soul mate.

Marie from the Bay of Angels

V.O.: Marie Baie des Anges
Fr. 1997. Mores drama by Manuel Pradal with Frédéric Malgras, Vahina Giocante, Amira Casar. In the South of France, a delinquent teenager has a romance with a young Lolita who is learning to love.
Runtime: 90 min.

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