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Josh Stewart

Josh Stewart

American actor
February 6, 1977 (48 years old)
U.S. 2019. Drama by Laure de Clermont-Tonnerre with Matthias Schoenaerts, Jason Mitchell, Bruce Dern. In a Nevada penitentiary, a violent prisoner is offered the opportunity to participate in a federal rehabilitation program focused on training wild horses.
Runtime: 95 min.
U.S. 2018. Horror by Adam Robitel with Lin Shaye, Angus Sampson, Leigh Whannell. A septuagenarian psychic is hired by the current owner of her childhood home, to chase away an evil entity that haunts the house.
Runtime: 103 min.
U.S. 2009. Horror by Marcus Dunstan with Josh Stewart, Michael Reilly Burke, Andrea Roth. A worker goes to rob a jeweler's house and stumbles upon a psychopath who has set up death traps inside to eliminate the owner and his family.
Runtime: 90 min.

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