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Kelly Bishop

Kelly Bishop

American actress
February 28, 1944 (81 years old)
U.S. 2019. Sentimental drama by Justin G. Dyck with Kimberly-Sue Murray, Josh Dean, Kelly Bishop. During a stopover in a small town, a travelling muralist collaborates with an engineer who is going through a painful divorce.
Runtime: 90 min.
U.S. 1997. Comedy by Betty Thomas with Howard Stern, Robin Quivers, Alison Stern. The meteoric rise of a radio host with a provocative style.
Runtime: 109 min.
U.S. 1987. Musical drama by Emile Ardolino with Patrick Swayze, Jennifer Grey, Jerry Orbach. While vacationing with her parents at a fancy hotel, a teenager offers to replace the ballroom dance instructor's sick partner.
Runtime: 100 min.

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