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Laura Vasiliu

Laura Vasiliu

Romanian actress
January 25, 1976 (49 years old)

Three Kilometres to the End of the World

V.O.: Trei kilometri până la capătul lumii
Roum. 2024. Drama by Emanuel Parvu with Ciprian Chiujdea, Bogdan Dumitrache, Valeriu Andriuta. The repercussions of a homophobic attack on the inhabitants of a conservative, religiously controlled Romanian village.
Runtime: 105 min.

4 Months 3 Weeks and 2 Days

V.O.: 4 luni, 3 saptamini si 2 zile
Roum. 2007. Social drama by Cristian Mungiu with Anamaria Marinca, Laura Vasiliu, Vlad Ivanov. In 1987 in Romania, the trying day of a student who helps her friend get a clandestine abortion.
Runtime: 113 min.

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