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Lucie Lucas

Lucie Lucas

French actress
March 24, 1986 (38 years old)
Fr. 2020. Biography by Philippe Faucon with Lucie Lucas, Lorenzo Lefèbvre, Victor Boccard. The tumultuous life of Pauline Dubuisson, from her setbacks at the Liberation to her exile in Morocco, through her nine-year imprisonment for the accidental murder of her fiancé.
Runtime: 87 min.
Runtime: 90 min.
Fr. 2016. Crime drama by François Basset, Jules Maillard with Bruno Salomone, Théo Frilet, Lucie Lucas. On the island of R
Runtime: 90 min.
Runtime: 90 min.
Runtime: 90 min.
Runtime: 90 min.
Runtime: 90 min.
Fr. 2014. Dramatic comedy by Joyce Bunuel with Victoria Abril, Gilles Lellouche, Lucie Lucas.
Runtime: 90 min.
Runtime: 90 min.
Runtime: 90 min.
Runtime: 115 min.
Runtime: 90 min.
Runtime: 94 min.
Fr. 2014. Dramatic comedy by Joyce Bunuel with Victoria Abril, Lucie Lucas, Laurent Gamelon.
Runtime: 90 min.
Runtime: 115 min.
Runtime: 110 min.
Runtime: 120 min.
Runtime: 115 min.
Runtime: 90 min.
Runtime: 105 min.
Runtime: 100 min.
Runtime: 100 min.
Runtime: 100 min.
Fr. 2010. Dramatic comedy by Joyce Bunuel with Lucie Lucas, Victoria Abril, Jérôme Anger. A 16-year-old girl discovers she is pregnant and, unable to have an abortion, decides to raise the child with hard-earned help from her parents.
Runtime: 96 min.
Runtime: 100 min.
Runtime: 110 min.
Runtime: 105 min.

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