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Mélanie Charbonneau

Mélanie Charbonneau

Can. 2025. Biography by Mélanie Charbonneau with Nina Kiri, Vincent Leclerc, Antoine Pilon. In 1995, a Canadian military police sergeant is investigating whether or not a captain was abused during her initiation three years earlier.
Can. 2025. Comedy by Mélanie Charbonneau. An octogenarian founds a roller-derby club in her rural town, to prove that women's sports can also stir up the crowds.
Can. 2023. Comedy by Mélanie Charbonneau. The octogenarians of the Waterloo Farmers' Circle start a "roller derby" league in the church basement.
Can. 2019. Dramatic comedy by Mélanie Charbonneau with Noémie O'Farrell, Juliette Gosselin, Mounia Zahzam. A young woman who wants to make a career in the media befriends a social network star.
Runtime: 109 min.

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