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Mark Miller

Mark Miller

American actor
November 20, 1924 (100 years old)
Fr. 1988. Police comedy by Marco Pico with Jacques Higelin, Daniel Martin, Élodie Gaultier. The police track down the car of two gangsters where the runaway daughter of a politician has hidden, believing it to be a kidnapping.
Runtime: 100 min.
Égy. 1982. Dramatic comedy by Pierre DeMoro with Mark Miller, Donovan Scott, Bridgette Andersen.
Runtime: 107 min.
U.S. 1973. Sentimental comedy by Gordon Wiles with Sissy Spacek, Monte Markham, Slim Pickens. The love story between a solitary, romantic salesperson and a young hitchhiker with an independent character.
Runtime: 90 min.
U.S. 1962. Drama by George Seaton with Kirk Douglas, Robert Walker Jr., Nick Adams. American soldiers cannot bring themselves to kill a Korean prisoner.
Runtime: 98 min.

Rien que des blondes

V.O.: Blondin i fara
Suèd. 1957. Mores drama by Robert Brandt with Mark Miller, Anita Thallaug, Lars Ekborg.
Runtime: 89 min.

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