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Michael Herz

Michael Herz

American film producer, director and screenwriter
January 1, 1999 (25 years old)
U.S. 2011. Horror comedy by Jeremy Gillespie, Matthew Kennedy, Conor Sweeney, Adam Brooks, Steven Kostanski with Matthew Kennedy, Conor Sweeney, Adam Brooks. A depressed man living on the bangs of society sets out to find the murderer of his father, a serial killer who strikes every year on Father's Day.
Runtime: 99 min.
U.S. 1989. Fantasy comedy by Michael Herz, Lloyd Kaufman with John Altamura, Rick Collins, Phoebe Legere. A monstrous colossus takes on the crooked bosses of big business.
Runtime: 102 min.
U.S. 1989. Horror by Michael Herz, Lloyd Kaufman with Ron Fazio, Phoebe Legere, John Altamura. A monstrous giant decides to attack drug dealers and chases them to Japan.
Runtime: 95 min.
U.S. 1988. Drama by Samuel Weil, Michael Herz with Carolyn Beauchamp, Sean Bowen, Michael Ryder. Tourists whose plane crashed on an island discover that it is occupied by terrorists.
Runtime: 91 min.
U.S. 1984. Horror comedy by Michael Herz, Lloyd Kaufman with Mitchell Cohen, Mark Torgl, Andree Maranda. After falling into a barrel of toxic waste, a young man transforms into a monstrous giant and sets out to cleanse the city of criminals.
Runtime: 81 min.
Runtime: 82 min.
U.S. 1982. Comedy by Michael Herz, Lloyd Kaufman with Irwin Corey, Virginia Penta, Mark Mikulski. During a trial, a young woman and her former partner tell the judge about the joys and setbacks of their love life.
Runtime: 85 min.
Runtime: 86 min.

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