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Miguel Courtois

Miguel Courtois

French film director, film producer and screenwriter
January 1, 1959 (65 years old)
Fr. 2015. Comedy by Miguel Courtois with Bernard Le Coq, Florence Pernel, Karine Texier. A sixty-year-old farmer has a complicated romance with a Parisian stylist in her forties, whom he met during a spa treatment in Biarritz.
Runtime: 105 min.
Fr. 2011. War drama by Miguel Courtois with Marie-Josée Croze, David Kammenos, Samuel Le Bihan. In Afghanistan, a female doctor in the French army acts as an intermediary for a moderate Pashtun leader, hostile to Al-Qaeda, whom she met 10 years earlier at university.
Runtime: 95 min.
Fr. 2007. Drama by Miguel Courtois with Mickey Mahut, Idriss Diop, Elsa Pataky. Two young skateboarders are chased by drug dealers whose deadly fight they filmed with their cell phones.
Runtime: 91 min.
Fr. 1998. Comedy by Miguel Courtois with Richard Berry, Anne Brochet, Christian Charmetant. A young dynamic executive is hit by several obstacles on the day he is to meet his future parents-in-law for the first time.
Runtime: 92 min.
Fr. 1997. Chronicle by Miguel Courtois with Bernard Le Coq, Julien Guiomar, Virgile Bayle. The rivalry between two families who in the ice cream business in nineteenth century Provence.
Runtime: 195 min.
Runtime: 93 min.
Fr. 1993. Biography by Miguel Courtois with Luna Sentz, Luc Thuillier, Chafia Boudraa. To the great displeasure of her Algerian parents, a teenager falls in love with a French doctor who is determined to marry her.
Runtime: 80 min.
Fr. 1992. Dramatic comedy by Miguel Courtois with Marie-France Pisier, Gregor Clavreul, Évelyne Buyle. Feeling neglected by his journalist mother, a boy thinks he found the ideal mother in a prostitute.

Théroigne de Méricourt: l'amazone rouge

V.O.: Théroigne de Méricourt
Fr. 1988. Biography by Miguel Courtois with Olivia Brunaux, Hervé Hiolle, Thierry Rode. The life of Th
Runtime: 96 min.

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