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Muriel Coulin

Muriel Coulin

film director
January 1, 1964 (60 years old)
in theaters starting March 21th 2025 (QC)
Fr. 2024. Drama by Delphine Coulin, Muriel Coulin with Vincent Lindon, Benjamin Voisin, Stefan Crepon. Proud of his younger son's academic achievements, a widowed railroad worker wants to prevent his more temperamental elder from being indoctrinated by a far-right group.
Runtime: 118 min.
Fr. 2016. Drama by Delphine Coulin, Muriel Coulin with Soko, Ariane Labed, Ginger Roman. In a hotel in Cyprus, two French soldiers back from Afghanistan participate in a
Runtime: 102 min.
Fr. 2011. Drama by Delphine Coulin, Muriel Coulin with Louise Grinberg, Yara Pilartz, Florence Thomassin. When a Breton teenager becomes pregnant, sixteen girls from her high school decide to follow her lead, planning to raise their children as a community.
Runtime: 87 min.
Fr. 2010. Documentary by Emmanuel Finkiel.
Runtime: 96 min.

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