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Navot Papushado

Navot Papushado

Israeli film director and screenwriter
March 4, 1980 (45 years old)
Fr. 2021. Thriller by Navot Papushado with Karen Gillan, Lena Headey, Carla Gugino.
Runtime: 114 min.
U.S. 2021. Drama by Aharon Keshales with Jason Sudeikis, Evangeline Lilly, Mike Colter. On parole, an ex-bank robber, whose girlfriend is dying of cancer, is compromised by his probation officer.
Runtime: 120 min

Big Bad Wolves

V.O.: Mi mefahed mezeev hara
Isr. 2013. Thriller by Aharon Keshales, Navot Papushado with Lior Ashkenazi, Rotem Keinan, Tzahi Grad. A police officer uses unorthodox methods to get a confession from a shy teacher whom he suspects of having murdered and beheaded several young girls.
Runtime: 110 min.

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