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Philippe Calderon

Philippe Calderon

French film producer, film director and screenwriter

White Tuft - The Little Beaver

V.O.: La Rivière aux castors ...ou les aventures de Mèche Blanche
Can. 2007. Documentary by Philippe Calderon. In the Canadian boreal forest, a little beaver sets out to find his father, who disappeared shortly after his birth.
Runtime: 77 min.

The Besieged Fortress

V.O.: La Citadelle assiégée
Can. 2006. Documentary by Philippe Calderon. In Burkina Faso, a termite mound is attacked by millions of carnivorous ants.
Runtime: 86 min.

C'est Byzance!

V.O.: Retrouver Byzance
Fr. 2002. Documentary by Philippe Calderon. Documentary about Byzantium and analysis of its cultural, political and religious heritage for all Europe.

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