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Prilly Latuconsina

Prilly Latuconsina

October 15, 1996 (28 years old)
Indo. 2024. Drama by Reka Wijaya with Prilly Latuconsina, Pradikta Wicaksono, Surya Saputra. When her brother leaves home, a young woman tries to prevent her father's abuse of her mother by joining a support group.
Runtime: 101 min.
Indo. 2023. Sentimental drama by Umay Shahab with Prilly Latuconsina, Bryan Domani, Refal Hady. A graphic designer torn between the holographic presence of her deceased love and her current relationship, must choose between the past and the present.
Runtime: 102 min.


V.O.: Budi Pekerti
Indo. 2023. Drama by Wregas Bhanuteja with Prilly Latuconsina, Angga Yunanda, Sha Ine Febriyanti. As her altercation with a market customer goes viral, a guidance counselor jeopardizes her career and her family.
Runtime: 110 min.

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