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René Steinke

René Steinke

German actor
November 16, 1963 (60 years old)

Clics et déclics

V.O.: Klick ins Herz
All. 2009. Sentimental comedy by Oliver Dommenget with Annette Frier, René Steinke, Teresa Harder. A divorced woman in her sixties sends her daughter on a blind date, not knowing that the candidate also sent his son in his place.
Runtime: 90 min.

La Légende du trésor englouti

V.O.: Die Jäger des Ostsee-Schatzes
All. 2007. Adventures by Diethard Küster with Désirée Nosbusch, René Steinke, Helena Siegmund-Schultze. On an island in the Baltic Sea, an archaeologist and an investigator go in search of a legendary treasure.
Runtime: 90 min.

Rencontre en grande pompe

V.O.: Die Braut von der Tankstelle
All. 2005. Sentimental comedy by Josh Broecker with René Steinke, Floriane Daniel, Peter Fitz. The new owner of a gas station in the countryside competes with the charming young woman who inherited the gas station across the street from his.

Picture Perfect

V.O.: Traumprinz in Farbe
All. 2003. Sentimental comedy by Oliver Dommenget with Sophie Schütt, René Steinke, Kai Ivo Baulitz. A journalist falls in love with a cabinetmaker whom his boss is also in love with.

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