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Richard Ruccolo

Richard Ruccolo

American actor
March 2, 1972 (53 years old)
U.S. 2013. Thriller by Andrew C. Erin with Emmanuelle Vaugier, Richard Ruccolo, Jonathan Potts. Shortly after a city family moves to a house in the country, the youngest daughter learns from her imaginary friend that a little girl was once killed within these walls.
Runtime: 90 min.
U.S. 2003. Sentimental comedy by Ron Lagomarsino with Richard Ruccolo, Meredith Monroe, Gabriel Hogan. A young caterer falls madly in love with a young woman who is about to marry a field hockey player.
Runtime: 89 min.
U.S. 2001. Mores comedy by Julie Davis with Dan Bucatinsky, Richard Ruccolo, Adam Goldberg. Two young gay men who have apparently nothing in common have a romantic relationship where break-ups and make-ups follow one another.
Runtime: 95 min.

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