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Rodolphe Tissot

Rodolphe Tissot

French film director and screenwriter
March 2, 1974 (51 years old)
Fr. 2017. Crime drama by Rodolphe Tissot with Samuel Labarthe, Blandine Bellavoir, Élodie Frenck. To unmask a spy who is providing information to the Soviet Union, a police commissioner disguises himself as a woman and is hired as a secretary at the Lille Opera.
Fr. 2017. Crime drama by Rodolphe Tissot with Samuel Labarthe, Blandine Bellavoir, Élodie Frenck. In the grips of depression, a police commissioner entrusts his two assistants with the investigation of an attempted murder in the film industry.
Fr. 2009. Thriller by Rodolphe Tissot with Adrienne Pauly, Guillaume Denaiffe, Maurice Bénichou. An unemployed nurse discovers a passion for poker, which turns her life upside down.
Runtime: 95 min.

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