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Sasha Pieterse

Sasha Pieterse

South African actress, singer
February 17, 1996 (29 years old)
U.S. 2024. Thriller by Jeff Fisher with Sasha Pieterse, Parker Young, Mira Sorvino. A young woman tries to uncover the darker side of her twin sister's new boyfriend, a man who appears to be very reputable.
Runtime: 90 min.
U.S. 2014. Drama by Paul Thomas Anderson with Joaquin Phoenix, Katherine Waterston, Josh Brolin. In Los Angeles, at the turn of the 1960s, a private detective who is fond of artificial paradises investigates the disappearance of his ex-girlfriend
Runtime: 149 min.
U.S. 2013. Dramatic comedy by Darren Stein with Michael J. Willett, Paul Iacono, Sasha Pieterse. Out of the closet against his will, a high school student finds himself coveted by his more popular classmates, much to the chagrin of his gay best friend who secretly loves him.
Runtime: 92 min.
U.S. 2011. Sentimental comedy by Jeffrey Hornaday with Sarah Hyland, Matt Prokop, Sasha Pieterse. A popular student plays along with a classmate who wants to make her the subject of his documentary.

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