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Shira Haas

Shira Haas

Israeli actress
May 11, 1995 (29 years old)
U.S. 2025. Fantasy by Julius Onah with Anthony Mackie, Danny Ramirez, Rosa Salazar. Following an assassination attempt on the President of the United States, Captain America is drawn into a conspiracy with international ramifications.
Runtime: 135 min.
Can. 2023. Biography by Aisling Walsh with Shira Haas. In 1940s Montreal, Ethel Stark broke with convention and formed the first all-female symphony orchestra.
Isr. 2021. Drama by Ruthy Pribar with Shira Haas.
Runtime: 85 min.
Isr. 2017. Drama by Samuel Maoz with Lior Ashkenazi, Sarah Adler, Yonaton Shiray. After learning that his son was killed in action, a distraught architect from Tel Aviv begins to have doubts when the army admits that they were mistaken about the identity of the deceased.
Runtime: 113 min.
Isr. 2015. Drama by Natalie Portman with Natalie Portman, Gilad Kahana, Amir Tessler. In Jerusalem in the turbulent period following the partition of Palestine, a Jewish child sees his mother sink into depression.
Runtime: 98 min.

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