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Steffani Brass

Steffani Brass

American actress
February 16, 1992 (33 years old)
U.S. 2015. Drama by Lee Friedlander with Spencer Locke, Steffani Brass, Perrey Reeves. With their childcare company proving insufficient to pay for college, teenage girls enter into prostitution.
Runtime: 88 min.
U.S. 2004. Thriller by William Webb with Stephen Baldwin, James Russo, Steffani Brass. A U.S. Army sniper becomes the target of an arms dealer whose brother he shot.
Runtime: 84 min.
U.S. 2000. Comedy by Victoria Hochberg with Denis Leary, Elizabeth Hurley, Steffani Brass. In order to receive an inheritance, an incorrigible seducer must obtain the forgiveness of all those he has deceived.
Runtime: 83 mn.

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