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Tim Bergmann

Tim Bergmann

German actor
March 2, 1972 (53 years old)
All. 2008. Dramatic comedy by Dietmar Klein with Tim Bergmann, Anna Schudt, Kathrin Ackermann.
Runtime: 90 min.

Tarragone, du paradis à l'enfer

V.O.: Tarragona - Ein Paradies in Flammen
All. 2007. Disaster movie by Peter Keglevic with Sophie Von Kessel, Tim Bergmann.
Runtime: 100 min.

Un scénario presque parfait

V.O.: Die Zürcher Verlobung - Drehbuch zur Liebe
All. 2007. Sentimental drama by Stephan Meyer with Lisa Martinek, Christoph Waltz, Tim Bergmann. The author of a successful novel, a dental assistant falls in love with the man who wants to adapt her story into a movie.

Terres d'Afrique

V.O.: Afrika - Wohin mein Herz mich trägt
All. 2006. Drama by Michael Steinke with Sophie Schütt, Carolina Vera, Tim Bergmann. Two German sisters manage the family estate in Namibia they inherited from their parents who died in an accident.
Runtime: 180 min.

My Ex Boyfriend's Wedding

V.O.: Heute heiratet mein Ex
All. 2006. Sentimental comedy by Edzard Onneken with Suzan Anbeh, Janek Rieke, Tim Bergmann. A young woman agrees to attend the wedding of the man who left her suddenly and without explanation eight years earlier.
Runtime: n/d

Mensonges et amour

V.O.: Hunde haben kurze Beine
All. 2006. Comedy by Josh Broecker with Tim Bergmann, Marie-Lou Sellem, Dietrich Mattausch. While taking care of his uncle's dog while his uncle is in the hospital, a young real estate agent who is a hardened womanizer softens up and finds love.
Runtime: 90 min.

Sauvé par l'amour

V.O.: Das Geheimnis des roten Hauses
All. 2005. Sentimental drama by Jörg Grünler with Pauline Knof, Tim Bergmann, Paula Kalenberg. The love story between a young governess and a count who refuses to marry her because of a murder he cannot confess.
Runtime: 176 min.

Ménage inclus

V.O.: Das Bisschen Haushalt
All. 2003. Sentimental comedy by Sharon von Wietersheim with Valerie Niehaus, Gedeon Burkhard, Tim Bergmann. A successful housewife with a small housekeeping agency is courted by a former lover.
Runtime: 89 min.

Pause bébé

V.O.: Das Verflixte Babyjahr - Nie wieder Sex?!
All. 1999. Comedy by Markus Bräutigam with Susanna Simon, Tim Bergmann, Andreas Herder. One married businessperson stops working to care for her baby, while another entrusts her newborn to her husband, who takes a year off.
Runtime: n/d

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