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Trine Wiggen

Trine Wiggen

Norwegian actress
February 22, 1968 (57 years old)
Suèd. 2020. Drama by Joachim Hedén with Moa Gammel, Madeleine Martin, Trine Wiggen. A young woman struggles to save her sister, trapped under a rock at the bottom of a fjord while they were scuba diving.
Runtime: 82 min.

Bitter Flowers

V.O.: Bitre Blomster
Norv. 2007. Crime drama by Ulrik Imtiaz Rolfsen with Trond Espen Seim, Kathrine Fagerland, Bjorn Floberg. In Bergen, a private detective tries to find the lover of a prominent politician who disappeared the same day as her daughter, and is possibly involved in shady business.
Runtime: 90 min.

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