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Walt Dohrn

Walt Dohrn

American writer
December 5, 1970 (54 years old)
everywhere in theaters starting July 1th 2026 in theaters starting July 1th 2026 (QC)
U.S. 2026. Animation by Walt Dohrn, Brad Ableson. Summary not available.
U.S. 2023. Animation by Walt Dohrn, Tim Heitz. Two trolls set out to rescue one of their own who has been kidnapped, in order to reform his pop group.
Runtime: 92 min.
U.S. 2020. Animation by Walt Dohrn, David P. Smith. In the world of the Trolls, the Queen of Rock sets out to conquer the realms of country, classical, funk, techno, and pop.
Runtime: 91 min.
U.S. 2010. Animation by Mike Mitchell. Stuck in a rut, an ogre makes a pact with a mysterious individual to relive, but for a day, the time when he was a lonely and feared monster.
Runtime: 93 min.

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