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Karine Gonthier-Hyndman

Karine Gonthier-Hyndman

Canadian actress
August 8, 1984 (40 years old)
in theaters starting May 30th 2025 (QC)
Can. 2024. Comedy by Chloé Robichaud with Karine Gonthier-Hyndman, Laurence Leboeuf, Mani Soleymanlou. To escape the monotony of their daily lives, two neighbors explore their sexual desires by sleeping with several conquests.

In Broad Daylight

V.O.: Au Grand Jour
Can. 2022. Drama by Emmanuel Tardif with Amaryllis Tremblay, Karine Gonthier-Hyndman, David Savard. A seventeen-year-old girl creates a stir in her bourgeois family when she goes to the Lower St. Lawrence to tell her one-night stand that he is the father of her baby.
Runtime: 110 min.
Can. 2022. Essay film by Emmanuel Schwartz with Benjamin Therrètes Leblanc, Kevin Tremblay, Xavier Goulet. When tragedy strikes the graduating class of a drama school, the aspiring actors are forced to re-evaluate their relationship to art, acting and the sacred.
Can. 2022. Sentimental drama by Charlotte Le Bon with Joseph Engel, Sara Montpetit, Anthony Therrien. On vacation in Quebec, a French teenager experiences his first love with the daughter of a friend of his mother.
Runtime: 100 min.
Can. 2017. Mores comedy by Nicolas Monette with Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin, Martin Matte, Karine Gonthier-Hyndman. Determined to prove that she is not cautious and predictable, a young mother challenges herself to try triolism, without her husband’s knowledge.
Runtime: 91 min.

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