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Robert Wiene

Robert Wiene

German film director
April 27, 1873 (July 15, 1938)
Fr. 1938. Drama by Robert Wiene, Robert Siodmak with Dita Parlo, Abel Jacquin, Erich von Stroheim. The relationship between a Serbian officer and his Austrian-born wife and their involvement in espionage between the countries.
Runtime: 83 min.

The Hands of Orlac

V.O.: Orlacs Hände
Runtime: 113 min.

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

V.O.: Das Cabinett des Dr. Caligari
All. 1920. Fantasy by Robert Wiene with Werner Krauss, Conrad Veidt, Lil Dagover.
Runtime: 72 min.

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