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Nino Constantini

Nino Constantini

July 3, 1904 (January 1, 1970)
Fr. 1949. Biography by Pierre Billon with Grock, Suzy Prim, Héléna Manson. The life of famous Swiss clown Karl Adrien Wettach, known as Grock.
Runtime: 107 min.
Fr. 1938. Drama by Robert Wiene, Robert Siodmak with Dita Parlo, Abel Jacquin, Erich von Stroheim. The relationship between a Serbian officer and his Austrian-born wife and their involvement in espionage between the countries.
Runtime: 83 min.
Runtime: 89 min.

Via Buenos Aires

V.O.: Franco de port
Runtime: 90 min.
Fr. 1937. Sentimental comedy by Pierre Weill with Colette Darfeuil, Maurice Maillot, Nino Constantini.
Runtime: 87 min.
Runtime: 104 min.

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